Hey Pre-Veterinary professionals,
Our shirts have arrived! They are $18.00 each. If you wish to purchase one, please contact Jessica at [email protected].

Also, just a reminder that our fundraising event for the Animal Welfare League of Arlington is this Saturday from 10am-2pm. You can read more about it on our events page. If you have any questions you can contact Jessica.

I hope everyone's semester is going well! Only 3 weeks of classes to go guys, you can do it!

Here is what the t-shirts look like on the front and back (stethoscope on front, logo on back):
See "meetings" tab for our upcoming meeting!
Hey pre-vets! I have several exciting announcements.
First, we finally have an official club logo! This logo is featured on our Home page and will be included on our club T-shirts. We are in the process of getting the T-shirts made. If you are interested in purchasing a T-shirt, please contact Jessica (myself) at [email protected]

Secondly, we have set a date for our animal-spa day event! Those interested in volunteering can reply either via the facebook page or you can send me an email (address given above). Details for this event are listed under the "Events" tab.

Last (but not least!) we are planning a zoo trip over spring break. Details at this point are murky, but we will most likely be going to the National Zoo. Stay tuned for more information on this event!

I hope everyone's semester is going well! 
It looks like the spring semester is already off to a good start! We had two lambs born at the end of December and many more on their way. It's going to be a busy season on the farm and a great time to volunteer. There will be lots of different jobs to help out with, so put on your overalls and prepare to get messy! 

On a separate note, we will be discussing some exciting new things for the club at our meeting this Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012. You don't want to miss it!
Four pregnant sheep were brought into birthing stalls last night at Kidwell Farm as a precaution.  Mae is expected to give birth first. Her due date is February 3rd and she is starting to show signs that she is right on schedule.  Paul mentioned that the lambs shift in their mother's belly as the due date approaches, leaving a ridge across her back.  If you are volunteering early this week you will be able to see the difference between Mae's back and the flatter backs of the other "less pregnant" sheep.  Another clear sign, which is pretty standard across barnyard species, is that a mother will begin to consume excess water prior to going into labor.  

This should be a very exciting week at the farm and a great start to birthing season!
Discuss interests and activities here!